Anti-Money Laundering and Regulatory Compliance Seminar for Securities Companies
Seminar Report
In support of government policy to promote anti-money laundering measures and to enhance compliance by securities companies, Taipei Exchange (TPEx) plans to host four seminars on the subject this year. Following the first seminar, the "Anti-Money Laundering and Regulatory Compliance Seminar for Securities Companies" took place on June 30. More than 100 participants, including chief compliance officers, chief risk officers and chief internal auditors from securities companies, attended the event.
The moderator of the seminar was Deputy CEO, Bing Jing Huang. He first introduced Chief Secretary, Li-Ling Tsai from Securities and Futures Bureau to explain related policy about anti-money laundering. She also indicated that the business of securities companies are closely related to anti-money laundering. Taiwan is scheduled to undergo the APG (The Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering) mutual evaluation in 2018. To help Taiwan to obtain recognition in APG evaluation as well as to enhance the anti-money laundering regulatory compliance, TPEx hosts this seminar in the hope to share case information and implementation experience to help boost securities companies’ execution performance.
The seminar invited experts to share anti-money laundering experiences. The keynote speaker was Special Agent Mr. Lien of MJIB Anti-Money Laundering Division who gave a talk on "Anti-Money Laundering Regulations and Real Cases" and another speaker was Fubon Securities Vice President and Chief Compliance Officer Chiaoching Cheng, introduced "Securities Companies Regulatory Compliance System and Practice Sharing".
In the following session, the panel discussion of the seminar was moderated by TPEx General Manager Sarah Wong. The panelists included the two experts mentioned above and Law Professor Yun-Hua Yang of National Chengchi University, talked about "How securities companies enhance their regulatory compliance functions." Seminar attendees enthusiastically asked a lot of questions, and the panelists made suggestions and exchanged views on the subject of the seminar. This seminar was a great success and is expected to bring the anti-money laundering practices in Taiwan in line with international standards and lift the anti-money laundering and compliance performance of our securities companies to the next level.